Displaying 61 - 70 of 119 Search Results

Learn about Global School Play Day, why it's important, and how to participate. 

Article - Video

In this video Gail chats with Cindy about looping from second to third grade. Cindy has some interesting insights for her Daily 5 Block.

Article - Video

If we truly want to help our students become independent, then we have to adhere to step 8, which is Stay Out of the Way. Here's why...


Librarians all over the world are taking an active role in supporting children and teachers in Daily 5 and CAFE.


If we are going to ask students to write, we must provide an audience for the work. 

Article - Link

Get the wiggles out with free research-based brain break activities. 

Article - Video

One of the first things we do to help a new student acclimate is teach them the routines of the Daily 5.

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