Displaying 1 - 10 of 254 Search Results
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Share this video with your students, and send home the included parent letter to keep kids reading all summer long!

Forum Topic
Does anyone know if there are plans to make kid-teacher strategy videos for the PATH menu like there are for the CAFE menu? I really like using both the CAFE and PATH menus with my special education students but the PATH menu doesn't have the videos...

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Watch this two-part coaching session where Gail shares the big ideas and application gleaned from her interview with Dr. Jody Carrington. 

Member Minute
Hey Teachers, Can you believe the school year is coming to an end? I have enjoyed spending the year as Kid Teacher, sharing about the CAFE reading strategies with other kids. And, while school may be out for the summer I will still be reading and have more to share. This is why I want to introduce...

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

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Let the Kid Teacher help your students with this strategy by either introducing or reviewing it with them.

Article - Video

Watch as Kid Teacher Hadley teaches SPACE at home.

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