Displaying 71 - 80 of 254 Search Results
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Hi! It has been suggested to me that I find a different way to check in for rounds. We are working with Learning Sciences International. The goal is to increase rigor. I have wracked my brain, looked at many ideas from other posts and teachers and have still not been able to think of the best way...

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As an alternate to reading their books to each other, it’s fun to read poems or plays with a partner. I just heard about a great resource from a colleague. It’s called “Partner Plays” from Teachers pay Teachers. The author of these plays is Deb Hanson, so if you search for her name or partner plays...

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As I’m beginning our winter holidays, my mind is already thinking about how to get my students back in the swing of reading in two weeks when we get back. I “accidently” ran across this You tube video that made me smile. Now, I can’t sing like this teacher, but I think I could fake it ;). I think...

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I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with teaching reading/language arts, and math to a group of kids K-4th) who have such a wide range of age and ability. I’m hoping to make this work and am wondering if there are any other teachers in a similar situation. It seems the group lessons will be tough as some...

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Just a thought- past practice was s reads one book with teacher in guided reading group, a different book from reading Baggie during ind reading, and another book at home each night and now we have children on Raz kids. A parent said to me my daughter cannot keep track of al. Of these stories,...

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Looking for suggestions! I am responsible for teacher PD in January. I was thinking of making 3 or 4 small workshop type classes of 30 to 45 minutes. Teachers can pick and choose which workshop they want to attend, but will be required to do at least one. My ideas consist of strategy grouping,...

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Hey everyone. I have been working to implement a modified version of D5 and was wondering if anyone else has done the same. I am a Title 1 Reading Teacher so I only work with my kids for one hour broken up in two thirty minute segments. I am having trouble with consistency, especially when students...


Principal, Jon Konen, shares five ways to allocate more money for classrooms implementing Daily 5.

Tip of the week
March 11, 2011

Member Minute
INDEPENDENCE. It’s the theme of the week (at least for our US teachers), and independence is at the heart of Daily 5 and CAFE. Use the 10 Steps to teach behaviors at the beginning of the year and review throughout. Kids can and want to be independent, and we have the structure to help them get...

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