
Math Daily 3 is a framework for structuring math time so students develop deep conceptual understanding, mathematical proficiency, and a true love of mathematics. This framework can be adapted to district-adopted curriculums and state mandates. In addition, teachers are able to provide differentiated instruction, helping to ensure that all students reach their potential.

What are you looking for?

Essential Elements

Start here! Learn every aspect of what makes up the prep, implementation, and support of Math Daily 3.

Math Daily 3 Tasks

How to launch and maintain Math by Myself, Math Writing, Math with Someone.

Lessons and Activities

Select a lesson or an activity from the collection, all organized by standard.

Math Daily 3 Essential Elements

Though Math Daily 3 is a flexible framework, certain elements are essential to its integrity and success. These eight elements fit into four stages: Understand, Prepare, Teach, and Support. This document is not intended to be used for evaluative purposes, but as a tool to help you assess your knowledge and application of each element and its supporting behaviors.

Learn More and Take Self-Assessment


A grounded understanding of the research behind Math Daily 3, and of the structural components and tasks upon which it is based.

1 Framework

2 Tasks


Identify the materials and enhancements necessary to organizing an environment that promotes a successful launch.

3 Classroom Design

4 Materials


Learn the instructional moves that make up the unique framework.

5 Launch

6 Choice


Discover teaching strategies that reinforce desired behaviors and sustain the framework in action.

7 Stamina

8 Barometer Behaviors

Math Daily 3 Tasks


Just like Daily 5, the structure of Math Daily 3 provides students with the support and practice they need to develop independence, accountability, and proficiency toward personalized goals. The three authentic choices of Math by Myself, Math Writing, and Math with Someone work together to create classrooms of highly engaged learners.

  • My students are starting to enjoy math regardless if they liked it before entering my classroom or not. They also are developing deeper thinking skills and understanding the why and not necessarily just the how."
    Erin K.—Grades 3–5, Math Daily 3 Online Seminar Attendee

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