Displaying 61 - 70 of 219 Search Results

A best friend is someone you have invested your time and talents in and you treasure. Here are five reminders of how you might be with that friend.

Forum Topic
srea writes: When I talk with teachers about deciding which strategies to pick for their students, one page I always refer them to is the “Sample Needs and Strategies” sheet. The way it is set up allows myself as a reading teacher as well the classroom teacher to quickly look at the ‘what we are...

Forum Topic
We’re getting to the season of “high-stakes” testing, and I’ve looking for ways to help the 4th-5th graders I work with as a reading specialist. One thing I noticed is that on their own is that they still do not automatically form mental images as they read. They can do it with me as we discuss it...

Forum Topic
I am loving my start of the Daily 5, my kids are doing better than I expected and they love it as well! I am just trying to manage it all. I have Tier 3 pullout in am, kids with me will start a round during this block and I can get some conferrring done. In the afternoon I have two reading teachers...

Forum Topic
Hello! I've heard that some teachers have a sideshow going on PowerPoint that is timed to move through the different cycles of Daily 5. During each cycle, the selected slide will display what cycle, each task, and which students will be engaged in each task. I am wondering when teachers who use...

Member Minute
My name is Gail and I write in books! This may sound crazy, but I think it just may be the most fun, entertaining activity I do on a daily basis. Really—because I aggressively write, underline, draw, question, and chat with the author, all the while understanding what I am reading more deeply than...

Article - Printable

Get strategy instruction to use with the book Muddy: The Story of Blues Legend Muddy Waters by Michael Mahin.


This printable lit lesson highlights strategies with explicit examples from the text.

Member Minute
Hey friends, We hope that you have a wonderful start to this week of appreciation for you! Let's start it off with a giveaway! We would love to gift one of you and a teacher colleague of your choosing, one of our professional development opportunities. And, because you know how we feel about CHOICE...

Article - Video

Students often know their own strengths, but when they are unsure, our conferring notes help us zero in on their targets. 

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