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Teachers often want to know if Daily 5 can work with shorter literacy blocks.

Article - Video

In this video, you see a simple math game that is not only easy to set up, but can be expanded to fit all ages. 


We always teach this lesson to the entire group, because it's important for non-readers and emergent readers, regardless of their ages.  


Reading with someone helps readers, especially developing readers, increase comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and prosody. In addition, children love partner reading and readily participate with books of their choosing, increasing engagement, attention, and collaboration. 

Tip of the week
Expanding Vocabulary–Falling in Love with Words Graph the Candy Hearts Julián Is a Mermaid by Jessica Love The Power of Play


This simple idea is a powerful way to keep our gifted students engaged mentally and socially. 

Forum Topic
Greetings! I am a head teacher at an international school in Belgium. This method of literacy education was suggested to me by another professional as a potential program, and thus I am thoroughly researching the possibility of implementation. As we are an international school, we have a high...


This simple picture book explores love, loss, and the unintended consequences of protecting our hearts too much.


No matter how they come to us, all students can view themselves as readers after this lesson. 

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