New Beginning


Carol Moehrle

Mistakes. We all make them. I grew up in the days of erasable typing paper. Remember that? If so, then we’re members of the same generation! The purpose of erasers and erasable typing paper was to fix mistakes. Today we can just press the Delete key and start over. It’s as simple as that. However, our lives are much more than just words that can be erased or deleted.

Throughout our lives we engage with people, events, or issues in ways of which we might not be proud. Sometimes we mess up really big, and every one of us would like to somehow erase some parts of our lives. Unfortunately, we can’t change the past or pretend those events haven’t somehow touched and shaped us. But we can put the past behind us and start again down a new path.

Mistakes happen, and we all make them. We are fortunate when we recognize that it’s human nature to make mistakes. The hard part is owning up to our mistakes, acknowledging them, and then moving on.

Each day offers a new beginning. Every day, you have the ability and opportunity to start down a new path that will take you toward a different outcome and ending. Start today to create your new ending. You might be surprised where your new path leads you.


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