Positive Thoughts and Peaceful Emotions


Carol Moehrle

Your thoughts create your attitude and emotions. When you are stressed, you often focus on the negative happenings around you, which can cause you to become angry and short tempered. Stress is self-induced. It’s your personal reaction to events and people around you. Your body and mind react to your negative thoughts and can create headaches, stomach problems, and prolonged illness.

Focusing on positive thoughts changes the reaction in your body, and you feel happy and calm. The positive thinking process does not come naturally for some people, but it can be learned. Learning to focus and reacting with a positive mindset takes practice. This practice may include having reminders around you such as pictures or quotes that help focus your attention away from the negative and toward calm, positive influences. If you don’t already focus on the happiness and peace around you, it’s time to start practicing.

Practice positive thinking and you will be amazed at the peaceful emotions that are created in your mind and all around you. Others will recognize the calm and peace and join you in their reactions.


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