Roller Coaster of Life


Carol Moehrle

I am not a fan of roller coasters. I don’t enjoy the severe ups, the crashing downs, or the jolt of quick corners you can’t see around. I do, however, admire people who love the stomach-dropping thrill that roller coasters provide.

I think life is a lot like a roller coaster ride. It is filled with ups and downs. Things go along smoothly and then BAM, we turn a corner to experience something thrilling or terrifying that we never expected.

People respond differently to the extreme uphill climbs and thrilling falls. Some scream their way through the ups and downs, and while others sit silently in wide-eyed observance. But we all know from waiting in line, that the thrills last only a few minutes before the ride levels off to calmness once again.

If we look at life as we do this carnival ride, we know that we will survive the ups and downs. They may be extreme, and we may scream or sit in silent fear, but after all the adrenaline and excitement, things will settle to a level of calm once again.

Enjoy this roller coaster of life. Hang on tight. Calm will follow.


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