Cleaning House


Carol Moehrle

We've been doing some housecleaning lately. You know, the kind where you look around and finally decide that some of this "stuff" just needs to go! We are taking a hard look and determining what needs to stay and what we can give away to others who need it more. There is something refreshing about making those decisions and purging unneeded items. There is also a great mess made while the moving and shuffling is going on and the cleaning is taking place.

As exhausting as this project has been, it has made me think that I need to do a mental housecleaning as well.

Sometimes we need to look introspectively and clear out the unnecessary. Our minds get accustomed to having multiple thoughts going on at the same time, and often they clutter our ability to think new things and react differently to new situations.  

Like physically moving furniture and cleaning house, mental housecleaning can be exhausting, too. Take care of your thoughts during this process. Make a list of the negative thoughts you dwell on, and move them out. Sort your mental thoughts into piles, and determine which attitudes and emotions you want to keep and which ones can be tossed. Some may need to be stored away for a while and recycled later.

Mental housecleaning can be hard work, but it's ultimately refreshing to have the cobwebs cleared so you can focus on positive thoughts.

Is it time for some mental housekeeping? It will definitely be worth the time and energy.


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