Feeling Invincible


Carol Moehrle

Sometimes it’s our age, and sometimes it’s the circumstances, but one thing for sure is that in our lifetime we experience events that make us feel invincible. 

You know that feeling: no one can tell you anything; you just want to get on with your life. You don’t take it seriously; it’s just a circumstance.

There is a sense of indestructibility in our youth. They seem to ignore the facts or science of a situation and judge it strictly by what their friends and social media are saying. I used to be frustrated by this wild perception until I realized it is truly the power of positive thinking. This innate ability to think positively can sometimes shelter the mind and body from dealing with reality.

No matter what age we are or what situation we are placed in, I hope that our innate power of positive thinking produces an invincibility that stays with us throughout our lives.

Embrace your invincible self.



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