Mother Goose Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins
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In Mother
Goose Bruce, fun text and delightful illustrations by Ryan Higgins serve as a backdrop to teach and reinforce many reading strategies.
Possible strategy instruction:
- C: Check for understanding.
- C: Make and adjust predictions; use text to confirm
- C: Make a picture or mental image.
- C: Recognize literary elements (genre, plot, character, setting problem/resolution, theme).
- A: Use the pictures for a clue.
- A: Try a different letter sound. (migration, tacky, fancy, recipes, local)
- A: Chunk the letters and sounds together (unwelcome, internet, ingredients).
- F: Adjust and apply different reading rates to match text.
- F: Use punctuation to enhance phrasing and prosody (end marks, commas, etc.).
- E: Tune in to interesting words and use new words in speaking and writing (drizzled, organic, annoying, pesky, stern, stubborn).