Advice Is Like Snow


Carol Moehrle

 Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.
 ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I love this quote. It feels gentle, even as you read it. I can visualize the snow softly floating through the sky and falling soundlessly on everything it touches.

My dad was a master at giving soft advice. I'm sure he had lots of thoughts as he watched us choose careers and spouses and raise our own families, but he never offered advice unless it was requested. When we did ask him for advice, he would pause for a moment and start by saying, "I don't want to tell you what to do, but you might want to think about . . ."

When advice is given in such a gentle way, people are more apt to want to seek out the thoughts and ideas. Because of the gentle advice my dad gave, I was much more apt to want to ask him his thoughts and share with him my life choices.

When was the last time someone asked you for your advice? Were you soft and gentle with your comments? Did you give that person something to think about and consider rather than telling them what to do?

I feel blessed to have grown up with the positive, gentle advice of my dad, and I try to share his gentle style when I am asked for advice as well.

Next time someone asks you for advice, consider the snowflakes before you respond.


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