And We're Off...


Allison Behne

September 5, 2013

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

-- Carl W. Beuchner

Back to school is one of my favorite times of year. Even though my initial reaction is shock when I see school supplies on the store shelves, the teacher in me can't help but get excited. Freshly cleaned schools, carefully decorated classrooms, new professional development, excited children, and an opportunity for a fresh start draw me in each year.

Every summer, I spend time reflecting on the prior year. What worked and what didn't? I even envision my room design, come up with a behavior plan, and review the curriculum. Of course, I still take time to enjoy myself, but something about the break away from school ignites my desire to be there. I believe many teachers can relate to this, and I attribute these feelings to the innate nature of being an educator.

Teachers have certain triggers that cause excitement, so do students. By tuning in to our students' emotions, we can begin building the relationships that are essential to motivate and engage learners.

We have many responsibilities in the first days and weeks of school. In addition to these come the unexpected responsibilities of new students, concerned parents, changed schedules, and more. It is easy to get consumed by everything that has to get done and overlook the little things that are really important. It is often the little things that solidify our relationship with students. Greeting them at the door, asking about their summer vacation, noticing a new backpack, coat, or shoes, and communicating our excitement and desire to know them will relay the message that we are there for them. This will feed their excitement and make them feel like the special and unique children they truly are. The endless list of unexpected responsibilities will always be there, but in the first days and weeks of school we need to especially focus our efforts on our students.

So this year, let's not stifle our back-to-school enthusiasm by getting consumed with day-to-day tasks. Let's fuel the fire for learning by being passionate about the relationships. That will set a tone that benefits the classroom community all year long.


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