Be Still


Carol Moehrle

Find a tree on a calm day. Watch as it stands strong and tall and still. Observe what stillness looks like and feels like. No hurry, no emergencies, no crisis, just calmly standing motionless and majestic.

Always growing, always changing, always rooted deep in the soil, but oh so still.

We can learn a lot from a tree.

We don’t have to be in perpetual motion. We can allow ourselves the calm that comes from being still. Calm your breath. Calm your muscles. Calm your thoughts. Feel your energy grow in the calm.

Just like your favorite tree, stand tall but move with the breeze. When life is turbulent, sway with the tides of emotions. When the winds are calm, find your stillness once again.

Carry a picture of your favorite tree in your mind. Mirror its stillness when you need to feel calm.

Feel the calm of being still.


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