Being an Optimist


Carol Moehrle

Optimists enrich the present, enhance the future, challenge the improbable and attain the impossible.
—William Arthur

I love this quote, perhaps because it fits me and is something I aspire to every day.

I've been called an optimist throughout my life. On occasion I've been told to take off my rose-colored glasses and see someone else's reality. I do see others' realities. I see people who struggle with being positive, but I choose not to join them.

Do I look at the world with a positive attitude and through rose-colored glasses? Well, yes, I do! It's my choice each day to show others how to appreciate the day we have and how to make the best of each situation and event.

Perhaps being an optimist is a defense mechanism, but for me it's the only way I know how to be myself.

For all you optimists, don't ever give up your rose-colored glasses. The world needs your ongoing positive attitude to make our future better.


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