Bring on the Circus


Carol Moehrle

I recently attended a local circus and couldn't help but notice how similar it was to life. I could especially relate to the fellow twirling plates. He set plate after plate spinning on a spindle, and then moved busily back and forth to keep them safely twirling in the air. My life feels like that some days. I start one project, add another, get sidetracked with something new, and then go back to the first.

Just like the circus performers, we play different roles in our schools and at work. What part do you play in this circus of life? Are you the clown, the lion tamer, or perhaps the high-wire acrobat? On any given day can you relate to one of these entertainers?

If you had looked around at the audience, you would have noticed that everyone was smiling, laughing, or deeply engaged in observing the acts. Are you smiling in your daily circus we call life? Are you deeply engaged in every movement and activity?

The next time you feel overwhelmed by the multiple tasks or events going on in your life, stop and consider the circus. Remember the positive energy and excitement it brings to those who attend. Bring that energy into your daily life.

Bring on the circus!


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