The Daily CAFE website has a wealth of classroom resources to support and reinforce your instruction. Follow the links below to discover a sample of the various levels of support for teaching each strategy. Find the level that matches your need.
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Ready Reference Guides
One-page documents that will help you remember the key details of the CAFE Menu strategies you want to teach. Here are samples for the Comprehension strategy, Check for understanding: Monitor and Self-Correct.

Parent Pipelines
Informative handouts that can be printed and sent home to support and reinforce student’s personalized goals. This sample is for the Accuracy strategy, Use meaning and context to confirm.

Lit Lessons
The lessons provide explicit examples of strategy instruction through popular children’s text. Each Lit Lesson provides six possible strategies for instruction. You can find these organized by title or strategy.

Brief Focus Lessons
Designed from the instructional protocol, they take on a purposeful and explicit tone, last about 7-10 minutes, and maximize student potential for engagement and retention.

I Can Bookmarks
A tool to remind children the steps they can use to make a specific strategy work them.

Book Looks
These snapshots provide a short synopsis of a book and a few possible strengths for strategy instruction.

The CAFE Menu showcases the four key components of successful readers, and highlights the strategies that students can use to master each.

Assessing Each Strategy
Each guide includes Common Core alignment, possible text selections, a link to the corresponding Ready Reference Guide, various options for monitoring progress, and a 1–4 rubric scale.