Celebrate Friends


Carol Moehrle

Friends since they first discovered frogs!
—Jim Soyk

Now you may not find that quote funny, but it struck a funny bone in me and I am still chuckling about it. You have to know my friend to appreciate his quote. He's eighty-three years old and I have known him most of my adult life. He was best friends with my in-laws and the two families hung out together growing up. Now that my mother- and father-in-law have both passed, he continues to stay connected to us and is one of my dearest friends.

Jim is a jokester and comedian. Even at age eighty-three he is the life of the party. He is also a minister, a politician, and a great-grandfather. He has lived through peace and adversity and continues to smile at the world.

Are you fortunate to have a special person like Jim in your life? The one who lights up a room with his smile and positive energy? If so, please count it as a blessing in your life.

Some people are fortunate to have lifelong friends, whereas others can't even imagine what we are talking about.  Whether our friends are new or lifelong, we need to value and celebrate them every day.

Celebrate the friends who bring you happiness, not just drama.

Celebrate the friends who make you laugh at yourself, not just others.

Celebrate the friends who instinctively show up when you need them the most.

Celebrate the friends who love you unconditionally.

And never forget to celebrate the friends who have been with you since you first discovered frogs!


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