Cycles of Life


Carol Moehrle

Our lives have natural cycles. Whether it's our family, health, or career, we go through cycles of energy, activity, and passion for what we are doing. In our life cycles, we are always offered options. Sometimes we are aware, and listening for options that are around us. Sometimes we jump on quickly and make changes to fit the life cycle we want to be in. Other times we overlook these potential options for change because we choose to stay right where we are. We sit passively in our current cycle even if we would really love to make changes in our lives.

Which cycle are you in right now? Are you still growing and energized in your career? Maybe you have hit a plateau, and are floating on the status quo. Or perhaps you are on the downside, needing and wanting something new that will energize and reinvigorate you again.

Change is a natural part of all cycles in our lives. We need to direct the outcome of the cycle we are currently in. Have you thought about where you are in your life cycle? Are you ready to make a change? This change could be in your career, your health, or perhaps a purposeful reprioritization of your family over your work. Whatever cycle you are in, take the jump to a new adventure.

Embrace the changes to make it happen. Be brave and bold and go for it!


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