The Energy That Inspires


September 6, 2024

Getting a new puppy has added a burst of energy to our lives—a whirlwind of curiosity, boundless enthusiasm, and a bit of chaos. With a 12-year-old dog who’s laid-back and easygoing, it’s easy to forget just how demanding the puppy stage can be. The older dog is content with a calm walk, a cozy nap, and the occasional belly rub. But the puppy? He’s all about exploring, jumping, and playing. He’s a bit exhausting, yes, but his joy is infectious. He brings laughter to our home, and despite the extra work, we love and enjoy his happy, tail-wagging presence each day.

This experience reminds me of the different personalities we encounter in the classroom. Just like our older dog, some students are naturally calm, independent, and easygoing. They know the routines, follow directions, and bring a sense of peace to the room. Others, like our puppy, are full of energy, curiosity, and a drive to explore. They might challenge us with their endless questions, their need for movement, or their constant desire for attention.

But, just like the puppy, these energetic students bring a unique joy to the classroom. They remind us of the excitement of learning and the importance of embracing each student’s individual spirit. While it might be tempting to wish for a classroom full of “easy” students, the truth is that it’s the mix of personalities that makes our jobs as teachers so rewarding. Each student, with their quirks and energy, contributes to the dynamic environment of the classroom, making it a place where we, too, continue to learn, grow, and find joy in the everyday moments.

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