Engagement Versus Compliance


Joan Moser

July 23, 2015

As summer nears its end, we begin to think about and anticipate the students who will be joining us when a new school year begins. We envision students at work and the quiet hum of engagement as we meet individual needs, moving everyone forward. We look forward to the engaged, passionate discussions about wonders, discovery, and learning. 

Sometimes I look at students and wonder about those who seem to be well behaved but lack excitement and engagement. Is there something we can do to help shift a compliant student to one who is actively engaged?

I recently read a fascinating article addressing this exact subject. In his article The Engaged Student vs. the Compliant Student, Dr. Justin Tarte clearly defines the difference between these two types. As I read it, I couldn't help but see the power of a Daily 5 classroom in creating engaged students. 

Take a moment to read Dr. Tarte's article before your next group of students joins you. You'll be glad you did.


News from The Daily CAFE

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How do I fit it all into a half-day kindergarten?
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Common Core Alignment—Grades 1–8 Matrix*
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Page Turners
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