Feeling Calm


Carol Moehrle

I find the forest to be one of the most calming, majestic places on earth. Being surrounded by trees while hearing little or nothing of the outside world automatically brings peace and serenity to my soul.

Since the forest is a long way from where I live, visiting in person isn't always possible. But I've found that I can visit the forest in my mind any time I choose to do so.

Remembering the silence or the soft buzz of nature is calming. Recalling the colors of the trees, whether deep, dark green or brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow, adds an aesthetic pleasure.

When I focus on individual trees, I see the unique bark and texture of the trunk as well as the limbs. Often the limbs are interwoven with each other or with another tree, forming a web of connectedness. 

And I love that like us, the trees in a forest survive together, yet stand alone. 

Find your special forest and allow your mind to take you there whenever you need to escape the noise and an especially hectic day. You will be amazed at how calm you feel after you spend a few minutes in your private forest.



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