Heart-Centered Teacher


At Teach Daily we often have lightbulb moments. You know, aha moments. Chances are you have already had one today. The magic of these moments happens when we reflect and are inspired to apply what we have learned from them.

The Heart-Centered Teacher: Restoring Hope, Joy, and Possibility in Uncertain Times by my friend and colleague Regie Routman gave me so many aha moments, and I know the book will inspire you too! 

I will be getting together with Regie to chat about it, and I want you to join in the fun.

Here's what you need to know:

  1. Get the book on Amazon or Routledge.
  2. Set a calendar reminder for Wednesday, August 14 at 5 p.m. PT. to join our Facebook/Instagram Live!
  3. Read the book, take notes of your aha moments and questions for Regie either in your own notebook, on this paper we designed for you, or use Regie's Study Guide found on the companion website for the book! 
  4. Join us on The Daily CAFE Facebook and Instagram on August 14th and ask questions in the comments and Regie will answer them LIVE! 

Hope to see you soon!


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