I Need a Moment


Carol Moehrle

There are times during each day that I just need a moment. When I feel overwhelmed because of one more interruption or one more question, I need to take a deep breath, put a smile on my face, and give it my full attention. 

Some days are full of these moments. I consider myself very calm and very positive in my attitude toward myself and others, but there are occasions when I just need a moment. I rely on a couple of special techniques to get the moment I need. 

If a client is at the door, I take a deep breath (not obvious to them) and put a smile on my face. In that moment, I say a silent prayer of thanks that they are there for my help. This rebalances my energy and gets me ready to focus on them. 

When the phone rings, I take another deep breath and answer with a smile on my face. A smile can be heard in our voices and becomes part of the lasting impression we make. That brief moment helps me get focused and ready to deal with the call in a positive manner. 

How do you deal with the interruptions and challenges in your day? You'll find that your day becomes characterized by calm and that you end it feeling balanced in both attitude and perspective if you just take a moment. 


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