Instruction Protocol: Productive, Effective, Focused Teaching and Learning

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When teachers first asked us to share what our one-on-one conferences with children looked and sounded like, we had to step back and thoughtfully identify the elements that were successful for us. We began taking notes, writing down exactly what we were doing and saying, and a common thread became apparent: we weren't focused so much on what the child was reading, how they liked it, and when they thought they would finish, but had shifted to a conference that was more like a coaching session, based on each child's individual goal and strategy.
To support teachers who need scaffolding as they begin, or need help refining their one-on-one conferences, we created a form to help keep conferences focused and intentional. The times next to each segment are estimated guidelines and are not meant to be adhered to religiously.
If you don't need the scaffolded support, here is the Reading Conferring Sheet we use in our own rooms, or check out the online conferring notebook.