Carol Moehrle
We are beginning an exciting time in our home: the intertwining of two families. Two separate families are coming together because our children love each other and are committing their lives to each other.
During our lives there are many times and events that lead to intertwining. It happens when our kids start school: suddenly we are intertwined with new friends and their parents. We become intertwined through sports, art, and music. As we socialize together, we find we begin to rely on each other for support.
This intertwining also happens at weddings. When our children wed, they become part of a new, extended family, and those families become connected through the children.
I love that with this marriage our family is growing and expanding. We enlarge the circle of love and support. We have additional resources to help us with life events. Our family circle is growing and changing because of this new union.
Just like braiding strands of fabric, intertwining families makes us stronger and more resilient. Look at your own life and see how many others you are intertwined with. You may be surprised by the strength you have together.