Love the Family You Have


Carol Moehrle

We all have families. They are different in size and makeup. Your family may include parents, plus brothers and sisters, or even a larger structure of children, nieces, and nephews. If you are lucky, you have aunts, uncles, and grandparents who are still part of your family as well.

Sometimes a family is a circle of friends or coworkers. They are not related to you but are often closer than actual siblings. 

Whatever your family structure is, our most critical function is to love them. Sometimes it's difficult to love family members. When we were children, sandbox disagreements were inevitable. These disagreements can remain when we become adults. As adults, we need to learn to balance our reactions to these disagreements and learn to forgive and forget.

If you are blessed to have a family, no matter how large or small, embrace the gift you have been given. Don't just tolerate these people who are part of your life; love them.

Life is very short. Learn to love and appreciate each of your family members for who they are. Don't expect them to change, but embrace them for who they are and the roles they play in your life.

Life is too short for regrets. Love the family you have!




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