My Top 10 Positive Affirmations


Carol Moehrle

Someone asked me recently how they could work on being a more positive person. Rather than quickly respond, I asked them how often they focused on their own personal, positive affirmations. I was met with a questionable look on their face. I explained that to me positive affirmations are a technique used to re-train our minds to bring about positive change by repeating a key phrase.

Have you created your own top 10 list of positive affirmations? This is a fun and valuable personal exercise. Make sure you tailor them to suit your own life and your own needs. Once you have created your own list, write them out and post them, or carry them with you. Use Jessica's technique and sing them to yourself every morning in the mirror. Whenever you are stressed, or your day has been challenged with people and events, remind yourself of your personal positive affirmations. Soon you will have them memorized and your brain will subconsciously and automatically kick in to the positive outcomes you desire. I share with you my top 10 Positive Affirmations:

  1. I choose to be in a good mood
  2. I choose to have a positive attitude
  3. I believe in myself
  4. I forgive myself for not being perfect
  5. I make the best of every situation
  6. I have control over my thoughts and feelings
  7. I treat others with respect
  8. I practice patience and understanding with others and myself
  9. I choose to smile and enjoy life to the fullest
  10. I eat well, exercise, and get plenty of rest to help balance my life

You may be a person who has lived by positive affirmations all your life. If so, good for you! Keep it up, and don't forget to review and change them as your life changes. For some, the positive attitude and affirmations start very young, even before they realize what they are doing. Like Jessica, let's all make a new start by bringing back that youthful rejuvenation as we smile and have fun repeating our positive affirmations in the mirror each morning.


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