Never Lose Your Enthusiasm


Carol Moehrle

The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.
~Aldous Huxley

There is nothing like the enthusiasm of a child. Their whole world is new and exciting and a wonderful adventure. I love to see a child's eyes twinkle with anticipation or watch when their bodies can hardly contain their excitement.

When was the last time you felt and showed this much emotion and enthusiasm? Sometimes as we progress through our lives and grow in age, we become complacent in our reactions and attitudes, and we misplace the spirit of our inner child.

Stop for a moment and do a personal inventory. Are you still enthusiastic about life and the people and events that weave through your life? Or do you muddle through each day with a flat attitude and emotions?

It's time to reconnect with the spirit of your child within, and once again enjoy life with the enthusiasm and excitement of a child.

Find your spirit and renew you enthusiasm.


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