Pause, Be Present, and Smile


Allison Behne

December 2, 2016

You know those days when you have a million things to do and barely enough time to do them? This time of year is filled with activity—school programs, sports events, conferences, report cards, assessments, holiday activities . . . and the list goes on. It was on a day like this a few years ago that I learned a valuable lesson.

Let me start by setting the stage: I had worked a full day, report cards were due, I had two birthdays to shop for (including a party that started in 30 minutes), it was parent watch night at my daughter’s dance class, and I had a sick husband at home.

As I hurried into a sporting goods store with my seven-year-old son, Nathan, to buy a birthday gift, he was jabbering away. A minute or two later, however, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t see or hear him. I yelled his name and looked all around the store, but I couldn’t find him. Then I noticed that one mannequin didn’t quite match the rest. There was my son, head tucked inside his shirt . . . frozen. At first, I was not amused. Did he not understand that we were in a hurry? We were going to be late! But just as I opened my mouth to tell him to knock it off, I paused—smiled—and started to laugh. Realizing that this moment should be etched in time, I grabbed my camera and took a photo as we both giggled uncontrollably. Then, together, my son and I laughed our way to the checkout lanes and headed for the party.

I share this story because it’s a good reminder that we should always allow ourselves time to pause, be present, and smile. When I came across this photo the other day, I was immediately transported back to that moment in the store a few years ago. I remember clearly how adorable my son looked and the giggles we shared at his harmless silliness. I don’t remember what we purchased as a gift or whether we made it to the party on time. But I will never forget the fun and laughter of that bright spot in the middle of a day filled with craziness.

I am guessing that you, too, know how easy it is to get lost inside a busy day. We all have days and even weeks when we think that we just don’t have time to slow down and enjoy much of anything. And although many of the things we do are necessary, it is important to remember to pause, be present, and take time to enjoy the moment. Laugh at what’s funny, appreciate the small gestures, and smile when something makes you happy. If your students see how important that is to you, they will learn to do the same.


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