The Power of Expectations


Allison Behne

August 13, 2015

August 14, 2015
Issue #369

If my husband and I had a nickel for every time we've told our children they were capable of doing something, we would be rich. With the steady stream of affirmations and encouragement in dance, volleyball, golf, math, reading, and more, our children know we believe in them. Their response, now that they are older, is “Of course you think that; you’re our parents.” Somehow with age comes the idea that it doesn’t take much to make your parents proud, and if someone other than your parent says something positive to you, it carries more weight. 

I saw this firsthand with my daughter this summer. Samantha likes volleyball, but has never been motivated to do more than attend the regularly scheduled practices and games. My husband and I are always telling her she is a good player and has great potential; she just needs to keep working. These are continual conversations that take place throughout the summer and volleyball season, and her work ethic remains the same . . . She does what she needs do to play. This summer, however, there was a shift. After attending a day volleyball camp, a coach at a local community college pulled Samantha aside and told her she had potential and would like to work with her. She went on to tell my daughter she has everything she needs to be successful. I wish I had gotten Samantha’s expression on camera when she relayed this information to us. She smiled ear to ear and was beyond excited. Of course, I gently reminded her that her father and I have been telling her this for a while, and her response was “Yeah, but you’re my parents; you have to think I am good.”

From this moment forward, Samantha has stepped up her commitment to the sport. She has not only worked one-on-one with this coach, but she has been going to the gym and working on drills on her own. She is rising to the expectations that have been set for her. This one coach, by taking the time to relay her belief in Samantha, made a huge difference.

As a mother, I couldn’t be more pleased and thankful that someone took the time to invest in her. As a teacher, I am reminded of the importance of empowering our students and communicating expectations. I am also reminded of the influence we have in the lives of our students when they know we truly believe in them. When we notice a class member is thinking like a mathematician or a child’s poem moves us to tears, our paying attention, noticing, and believing in them help to transform their self-identity.

I recently reread an article about a study that poignantly highlights the increase in student achievement and positive behavior when teachers strongly believe their students will succeed. This article is a reminder that children have an innate desire to learn and will reach for and exceed expectations when given the opportunity. 

Teachers' Expectations Can Influence How Students Perform by Alix Spiegel


News from The Daily CAFE


Questions Answered . . .

Is Reading Aloud to Children Really That Important?
This research article will have you, as well as parents, reading aloud to students more than once each day!



Purposeful Practice . . .

Limiting the Number of Students at Word Work and Listen to Reading*
You might want to try this technique during check-in if you have a limited amount of materials for Word Work and Listen to Reading.



Assessment Matters . . .

A Simple First-Day Activity and Assessment*
This first-day-of-school activity provides important information about your students, begins the process and expectation of independence, and much more.



Try Today . . .

Consider the Walls*
Classroom environments send a clear, non-verbal messages to students and are worthy of our time and attention. Here are four things to consider.



Focus on Health . . .

Sweet Silence
Carol Moehrle encourages us to give our minds a break from the noise in which we are immersed.

*Available to members


Professional Development Opportunities

2015 Live Workshops

At each location, we focus the first day on The Daily 5 and Math Daily 3. Day two is CAFE Intensive. Learn about all the new content by following any of these links.



Minneapolis, MN
Radisson Blu Mall of America

Aug. 29 (Full) 
Aug. 30 

Fort Worth, TX
Hilton Fort Worth

Sept. 19 (Full)
Sept. 20

Las Vegas, NV
Tropicana Las Vegas

Nov. 14  
Nov. 15


Live Workshops in Canada

            Lethbridge, Alberta    Sept 29, 30
             Calgary, Alberta           Oct 2, 3

2015 Online Seminars

Prefer short bursts of information combined with independent learning? Each session offers separate seminars on Daily 5, CAFE, and Math Daily 3.

September 6–October 3 (Full)
October 4–October 31
November 1–November 28

Learn more about Daily 5 and CAFE workshops, online seminars, and online graduate courses.


Up & Running with the Daily 5

Our new how-to video, shot in third-grade and fifth-grade classrooms, is available through subscription for online streaming or as a DVD at Stenhouse Publishers.



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