Practicing Balance


Carol Moehrle

There must be balance in our lives to counter the pressures we face. Practicing balance offsets the daily pressures of multitasking, commuting, dealing with coworkers, and personal responsibilities such as child care, adult care, health, and finances. These are the forces that can put our bodies and spirits at risk.

We need to find ways to escape mentally and/or physically so we can revitalize and rejuvenate ourselves. We need to find time in our busy lives and schedules to build in balance. Escaping is a great way to find balance.

Here are five of my favorite escapes:

  • A long, hot shower
  • A walk outside
  • A few deep breaths
  • Reading a chapter of a good book
  • Cooking

Find an escape that will bring you balance. Get as good at planning for balance and fun as you are now at scheduling work.


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