Running on Empty?–4 Tips to Recharge and Replenish


Carol Moehrle

Used up, exhausted, running on empty? Many of us are experiencing these feelings emotionally or physically.

We all go through cycles of high energy and enthusiasm, followed by times of true physical and mental exhaustion. These cycles can be based on events, seasons of the year, or school calendars. The end of another school year is often accompanied by the feeling of being "all used up". It's a common phenomenon for teachers as well as many others. Do you recognize it in yourself? If so, know that you are not alone.

Teachers often suppress the feelings, tucking the mental and emotional fatigue away because of their passion for children and teaching. They continue to give until there is a natural break in the cycle. If you are on summer break, it's time to refocus, recharge and rejuvenate yourself so you can start the cycle with a full tank.

There are endless ways to rejuvenate your system, and you know what works best for you, but if you need some suggestions, let me offer these 4 tips for recharging and rejuvenating your system:

  1. Get moving. Physical activity stimulates you and gives you more energy.
  2. Eat a balance of healthy foods. Drink lots of water. Re-hydrate your body.
  3. Relax. Make time every day to relax and do something out of the ordinary just for you. Catch up with family or friends. Reconnect with the outdoor world around you.
  4. Laugh. Laughter heals all ailments. Laugh and bring the positive energy back to your body and mind.

Remember, now is the time to build your resilience for your next cycle. Enjoy being rejuvenated!


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