Write for Us


Share your expertise and experience with other educators. Articles that inspire, motivate, and instruct are always in demand. Before sending your submission, please read the following carefully.

Submission Guidelines

  • Relevance: The Daily CAFE provides educators all over the world with information about the Daily 5, CAFE, Math Daily 3, and Classroom Design. All content should fall under one of these headings and align with their foundations of authentic practice: choice, brain research, accountability, community, and trust and respect.
  • Length: We have found that our readers prefer short, focused articles that provide a takeaway in the form of a validating thought, new idea, lesson to be taught, or something that invites collegial conversations. A good rule of thumb is 200–500 words per submission.
  • Originality/Citations: We can only accept original work. Referenced sources must be given credit and should be cited using APA formatting.
  • Permissions: If you include the name of another individual in your article, you will need to garner their signed permission and send it with your submission.
  • Pictures: If you have an original picture you would like us to consider using, please include it as well as signed permission from any person in the photo. If you don’t have a picture, we will provide one.
  • Submitting: Once you think your submission is publication ready, send it to us at Daily CAFE Article Submission.
  • Publication and Feedback: Our content team will review your submission, decide if it's a good fit, and get back to you with comments. You will probably need to make revisions based on feedback and resubmit the article. The team will meet again to decide if we will want to schedule it for publication. We can give you a specific publication date when the article is almost ready to go live. 
  • Questions? E-mail Allison@teachdaily.com

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