A Smile Is a Light


Carol Moehrle

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.
—Denis Waitley

Many messages are shared with just a smile. A smile that accompanies a robust laugh is so infectious that others will turn to look and immediately smile back just watching the other person's joy.

A person with smile wrinkles should be proud, as the wrinkles reflect much use and repeated sharing of that person's smile. Those wrinkles around the eyes show people that you have smiled often and share your smile with others.

A brief smile shared with a friend can be an acknowledgment that we understand. Spoken words are not always needed to share your thoughts with others. A smile speaks volumes, all by itself.

If you want a smile from someone else, all you have to do is smile first. Smiling is a universal language all its own.

Show others that you care, and wear your smile often for others to enjoy.


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