Summer Self-Care Bingo


Join us as we refresh and play self-care bingo along with us!

This week: I10  — See a Live Performance

With summer in full swing, our team has been seeing live performances around the country! Dusty saw a local musical in Iowa, Emily saw a show at The Gorge in Washington, Ali saw a show in Newton, IA, Kelli got up close in Seattle, Maddie saw a show in Vancouver, BC and Gail and Doug saw a show in Las Vegas. We all happened to see live music/musicals but there are so many other ways to get this fun self care box checked off! Check out a list of ideas below.

More ideas for you:

  • Go to a read aloud at the library
  • How about a baseball game? We'll count a live game of any kind as a live performance! :)
  • Try searching "music in the park" to see if there's a community near you with a free performances coming up
  • Or ask your kids, nieces, nephews, friend's kids (okay any kids) to read to you, sing their favorite song, dance, etc. Basically, anything can be a live performance. :)
  • Bonus: Bring a picnic to also cross off #B2: Have a Picnic

Emily and the Teach Daily Team

P.S. We're getting close on a Bingo! How about you? Don't forget to email your completed Bingo card to [email protected] for prizes! One Bingo automatically gets you access to our Relationships First course and a blackout gets you in a drawing for more prizes. 


This week: G19  — Watch a Sunset

Samantha was on vacation in South Dakota and went for a hike to catch this beautiful sunset! Whether a sunset or a sunrise, this is a great way to admire the beauty of nature all around us. Plus, they happen everyday! Weather permitting of course. ;) When was the last time you sat and enjoyed one? Take this as your sign!

More ideas for you:

  • Get up before everyone and enjoy a peaceful morning right from home with a cup of coffee or tea
  • Bonus: Meet a friend at a lookout spot or a walking path with a view to also cross off #G18: Connect with a Friend
  • Bonus: Write a poem while taking in the view to also cross off #G16: Write a Poem
  • Bonus: While enjoying a sunrise or sunset, look for a silver lining in your life to also cross off #B5: Find a Silver Lining

Samantha and the Teach Daily Team

P.S. We're getting close on a Bingo! How about you? Don't forget to email your completed Bingo card to [email protected] for prizes! One Bingo automatically gets you access to our Relationships First course and a blackout gets you in a drawing for more prizes. 


This week: G18 — Connect with a Friend

Maddie and I met up with a friend from college to go on a walk and have a picnic. They both had babies this year so it looked a little different with strollers and babies and the first playdate was a success! Connecting with friends is good for the soul so check this one off this week!

More ideas for you:

  • This doesn't have to be in person, you can also connect with a friend over the phone or video chat
  • Bonus: Go for a walk to also cross off #N15: Take a walk and notice something new
  • Bonus: Meet for a sunrise/sunset to also cross off #G19: Watch a Sunrise or Sunset

Emily, Maddie and the Teach Daily Team

Bingo Card

This week: N14 — Go on a Road Trip

Ali and her family went on a road trip to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore! It was also on her bucket list so she crossed off two boxes in one! 

More ideas for you:

  • The trip doesn't have to be far to be considered a road trip. Just pack some snacks, a good playlist and hop in the car!
  • Bonus: Pull out a blanket at a stop for food and also cross off #B2: Have a Picnic
  • Bonus: Take a road trip to a hiking spot and also cross off #G17: Go on a Hike

Where are you heading this summer?

Ali and the Teach Daily Team


This week: O24 — Visit a Loved One

Over the weekend, we headed into the countryside to visit family and had the best time! Got to soak up some country air and get all caught up with our loved ones. And just remember, a visit doesn't have to be far away or long to get the self care benefits.

More ideas for you:

  • This could be a visit with a family member or a friend
  • Video chat with a loved one and visit virtually
  • Bonus: Make it a road trip like we did and cross off #N14: Go on a Road Trip
  • Bonus: You can also cross off #O23: Listen to an audiobook or podcast

What are you crossing off this week?

Emily and the Teach Daily Team

P.S. Don't forget to share with us on social so we can follow along (links to all of our socials are in the footer)!


This week: B8 —Go Swimming or Sit By Water

It's not quite warm enough for swimming in Seattle but it sure is reading outside weather! I grabbed a cup of coffee, found an open bench at a park near my house and read my book by the water. I took a moment to enjoy the views of the city and soaked up every second.

More ideas for you:

  • swim in a pool
  • float in a river
  • read by a pond
  • play at a beach
  • Bonus: You can also cross off #B2: Have a Picnic by picnicking by the water

Even if you just have a few moments, it adds up. So, take a few well-earned moments to recharge.

Emily and the Teach Daily Team

P.S. Don't forget to share with us on social so we can follow along (links to all of our socials are in the footer)!


Download your bingo card here!

From the Tip on May 24th

The team at Teach Daily would like to encourage you to take care of yourself this summer, and we want to  give you some fun ideas to do it! Download our Summer Self Care Bingo card. Complete some self care activities, get a bingo and email us a picture of your bingo card. Everyone who participates will get a prize and it’s all for prioritizing you! For a bingo, we’ll send you access to our Relationships First Online Course and for a blackout, you’ll also get entered to win trainings, swag bags and a year of access to our websites. All prizes will help you make next school year the best one yet. But first, self care!

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