

Carol Moehrle

This morning on my drive to work, the weather was cold and windy, and there was ice on the roads. The clouds were heavy and gray, and the skies were dark. At first I thought, What a gloomy day. Then I looked more closely and saw beautiful fluffy clouds with shades of white and dove gray. When I looked more deeply, I was surprised to find that the gloom was really a remarkably beautiful beginning to the morning skies. The clouds were reflecting the sheen of sparkly ice on the roadways and fields. Millions of shimmering ice crystals were waiting to come alive and greet the morning sunrise.

As I traveled farther, the sun began to rise and peek through the openings in the clouds. This new light brought pink and magenta hues to those once-gray clouds.

I see the sunrise most mornings, and it reminds me to be thankful for another day. Today I was initially sidetracked by what looked like gloomy skies. I needed to remember to look more deeply and witness the beauty of gray skies as they became magnificent with sunrise colors.

With busy schedules and commutes to work, it is easy to ignore the beauty of each day. I am reminded today that I should never take a new day for granted.

Sunrise and a new day—what a blessing.


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