Taking Care of You


Carol Moehrle

How do you react to stress? Do you confront it, acknowledge it, and deal with it? Or do you run and hide, hoping it will go away while it consumes you?

During times of stress we often forget to take care of ourselves. We are so consumed by the stress around us that we don’t sleep enough, and we forget to eat healthful foods. We forget to drink our water, and we don’t prioritize regular exercise in our daily routine. We become consumed, mentally and physically, by thoughts of stress.

Instead of helping to balance stress with wellness, we let stress take over and tip our balance to the negative.

We all experience stress, and once we recognize its symptoms, we need to pause and make special note to take care of ourselves. When stress steps into your life, you need to believe in yourself and know you can beat it. Start by drinking more water, eating more healthful foods, and getting more sleep. Help your body and mind stay healthy to balance the stress of life.

Above all else, always remember to take care of you!


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