Joan Moser
October 15, 2010
When you follow your bliss...doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else. ?Joseph Campbell 1904-1987
Is teaching your bliss? We can honestly say that it's ours. Don't get us's not always easy, on the contrary, there are days when it is hard...really hard, but we can honestly say it's the hardest job we've ever loved this much.
Teaching has opened doors for us; doors to love, learning and laughter. It's opened doors for our students; to a better life now and a more promising and hopeful future to come.
It is our sincerest hope, that as you enter the doors of your classrooms today, you'll be happy, healthy and ready to meet the diverse needs of your students. We also hope that you'll find help here, to equip you and help you along the way.