Vibes Speak Louder Than Words


Carol Moehrle

The vibrational energy that is around you is felt by others. The energy you emit can be positive or negative, and whichever it is, it is interpreted by those with whom we live and work.

We know how our words touch others and can blanket them with a positive, comforting feeling or pierce their fragile existence.

But it’s not just your words that touch others; it’s your thoughts and actions as well. So next time you think that only your words matter, reconsider your facial expressions, your posture, and your thoughts. Your mood and mannerisms also contribute to your nonverbal language and energy.

Pay special attention to your nonverbal communication, and purposefully acknowledge your vibrational energy. A quick way to do this is simply by taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly as you reset and refocus on the positive vibrations you want to give others.

Share your positive energy with those around you, and feel the comfort as their vibrations come back to you.


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