What Kind of Colleague Am I?


Joan Moser

November 17, 2011

November 18, 2011

People watching is one of my favorite things to do. Recently I was at a restaurant, partaking in this favorite pastime, when I became mesmerized by two of the wait staff. Their nametags identified them as Kristen and Jeffrey. It wasn't their actual service that caught my eye, but their interactions with each other. They were both extraordinarily busy and one of them was serving a grumpy customer, yet they maintained a positive, happy energy that was infectious. I could not help but marvel at their energy and, quite frankly, their joy as they went about their work.

After the dinner crowd thinned, I had an opportunity to compliment them and let them know that their positive interactions had brought much joy to my evening. Kristen responded by saying, "Well thanks, but it's easy with Jeffrey. We just help each other out, have each other's backs. It makes it more fun. You know, almost every work place is a microcosm, one bad egg spoils the whole work environment for everyone, so we always work to maintain a positive, happy attitude, and like I said, Jeffrey makes it easy. He is nice to everyone and always chooses to put a positive spin on things." They both laughed together. Jeffery added that happy employees work more efficiently and things run smoother. Kristen concluded, "See, Jeffery is a great colleague!"

I have thought of Kristen and Jeffrey often in the days following. Sometimes business and stress tempt me to hold up in my classroom. I'm reminded of the power of being a good colleague. I am determined to eat lunch in the staffroom, pause to catch up in the hallway, and be cheerful and positive during staff meetings. Perhaps I'll put a little post it on the dashboard that asks, "What kind of colleague am I going to be today?"

How about you?

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