February 5, 2010
Have you ever had an opportunity to let a GPS guide you to a destination? It's an amazing feat of technology to be able to plug a desired end into a computer and have it direct us step by step until we reach our target. Have you ever had a GPS steer you wrong? One of our friends recently had a vague idea of where an appointment was, but ignored the still small voice within her as her outdated GPS led her farther and farther away from her desired location. When she couldn't ignore the clues any longer, she pulled over, called her destination, got new directions and was able to arrive at her appointment, though not without wasting time and raising her stress level.
Curriculum and resources provided by our schools and districts can sometimes function like a GPS system. At times we can follow the prescribed instructions step by step and get our children to the desired outcome. There are times however, when we should listen to the still small voice that notices when the directions aren't taking us where we want to go. If we don't, the end result is not only an increase in our stress level, but wasted time for us, and more importantly for our students.
We know our children best. Our formative and informative assessments and conferring have led to a deep knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses. Though it can be a little scary at first to listen to our own voice instead of the authoritative curriculum voice, we've found that dynamic, timely, and powerful things happen when we do. Our teaching becomes directly related to the needs of our students. We might use the curriculum one day and an entirely different resource the next. If we know where we are going (state and district standards), know where our kids stand in relation to those goals, and trust our instincts, something almost magical will happen.
Intentional, focused instruction that is directly related to the needs we see in our classroom creates a new kind of synergy that is both exciting and self-perpetuating. Try it. Take that leap of faith. It's guaranteed to bring joy back into the journey.