Will My Worry Matter Tomorrow?


Carol Moehrle

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.  

Are you a worrier? If so, you are not alone. Worry is one of the favorite pastimes of our population. We worry about our children, we worry about our jobs, we worry about the neighbors and what they are thinking and saying, and we even worry about the weather!

Now, if you really take a step back and look at the things you worry about, many of them will seem ridiculous. Some will have short-term merit, and the others will be a waste of your time.

Take, for instance, the worry you have for your children. Are they safe? Are they in good company? Will they arrive home on time? These short-term worries or concerns are a natural part of being a concerned parent. Once they enter the house and you determine all is well, the worry subsides until next time. (And for sure there will be a next time!)

My husband is connected to the farmland, and he worries about the weather—as if there is anything he can do about changing it. We sometimes have to deal with the consequences of bad weather, but to me, worrying about it before it even happens is a waste of my time and energy. (He would disagree with me, however.)

Whatever you choose to worry about, ask yourself this: Will my worry matter tomorrow? When this day is over and it becomes yesterday, will the energy and emotion I invested in worrying really matter?

I challenge you for today to put away some of your worry. Don't let it sneak in and take over your thoughts and emotions.  Enjoy the calm and peace you will find when you choose not to worry.


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