Writing in the Margins—June 2019 Coaching

June 10, 2019

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My name is Gail and I write in books!

This may sound crazy, but I think it just may be the most fun, entertaining activity I do on a daily basis. Really—because I aggressively write, underline, draw, question, and chat with the author, all the while understanding what I am reading more deeply than I did when I left books in the same pristine condition in which I had found them.

When I pick up a book after I have added my notes, I get excited all over again to see the synthesized thoughts I left on each page. Here’s the thing: I remember more about what the author said than ever before.

Join me on Tuesday, June 18 at 6:15 p.m. CST to learn how I do it in our new monthly coaching just for All Access and All Access Plus Members.

Sign up by midnight on Sunday, June 16 to participate!

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