
I’m curious how other primary age teachers are handling one to one iPad devices for their students. Also how teachers are managing tables instead of desks for students.






I’m posting another conversation about furniture and classroom design. You can read some teachers’ ideas there. Just click on the first topic, and you’ll see all the postings.

Classroom Design - Open Seating

After reading all of The Sisters books and recently attending their workshop in Edmonton I did it! At the start of the year I had 30 desks and I took them all out excpet for 12 that I turned into two table groups of 6. I purchased chairs, a couch, and differenct size and shape coffee tables. I was so nervous! Going from every student having a desk for my entire teaching career, to open seating was a big leap for me. I made this move because I was finding when I let the students choose where they…

Pamela Kallmyer

I teach first grade. We don’t have 1x1 iPads yet, so I’m not sure how to help you on that. However, I got rid of desks several years ago and my kids use tables as well as the floor. Every child has a white board that is big enough to use for a lap desk so it’s up to them as to where they sit. I have two tables that fit 7, one table that fits 5 and a coffee table (which they love and hope to get more). They can sit at the tables or on the floor. I don’t have a couch but I have several bean bags and large floor pillows that they also use. I teach them from the beginning that recess is play time but when we’re in the classroom we’re here to help each other become our best “selves”. They choose where they work and I encourage them to help each other by not disturbing each other and choosing to sit near people that will only help them. I really play up that they’re old enough to make these good choices now and that they need to show me that I am making good choices in letting them be independent with this. I have had to help certain children from time to time by assigning them a workspace though. Try it, you’ll really see a difference in student engagement!

Pamela Cratty

It will be a very exciting year with new furniture, haven’t received it yet, and iPads for each student. I appreciate your input and ideas.

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