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I would be interested in some feedback about using the DRA for assessment. I am a reading specialist in a K-2 school. We are having a lot of discussions about the DRA…for example, we have students in second grade that are able to read and comprehend level 34, 38, even 40 using the DRA…how valuable is it to keep going up to the next level when students are above grade level benchmarks? My feeling it that at a certain level, it is not really going to inform instruction - a student reading a grade level above their current grade level should be broadening their reading “horizontally” and time spent trying to reach an instructional level is better spent reading for breadth, reading different genres, etc. The DRA is time consuming at these levels and I’m feeling like it is not really necessary - any feedback from this forum would be appreciated! Thanks!
Title | Category | Replies | Views | Activity |
Is CAFE going to be aligned with the Texas TEKS? | CAFE | 8 | 7.1k | 1 year 1 month |
Alignment of Daily 5 & CAFE with Cambridge Learning Outcomes | CAFE | 0 | 5.3k | 2 years 6 months |
CAFE strategies book list | CAFE | 10 | 5.9k | 2 years 6 months |
Alignment with Australian Curriculum | CAFE | 4 | 1.4k | 2 years 9 months |
Lesson Planning | CAFE | 0 | 1.9k | 4 years 6 months |
Question about Comprehension--Use Prior Knowledge to Connect with Text | CAFE | 0 | 1k | 4 years 6 months |
Sharing Videos Online | CAFE | 2 | 1.3k | 4 years 6 months |
Daily 5, small groups, and conferring 6 feet away | CAFE | 4 | 1.7k | 4 years 6 months |
New Ready Reference guides | CAFE | 6 | 2.6k | 4 years 6 months |
Mini Lesson Variety | CAFE | 1 | 1.9k | 4 years 7 months |
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