
I am wondering if anyone has created an assessment rubric which is linked to the Australian National Curriculum or have any other resources to use with the CAFE Menu or Daily 5 linked to this.

I thought I would ask before re-inventing or should I say altering the ‘wheel’.







Have you checked out the Facebook Page of Southern Australia teachers for CAFE? Its page is called DAILY FIVE (SA).
It’s a very active group, and I love reading their posts, even though I’m in the US :).
I’ve seen a lot about matching curriculum on that page, so I suggest you go there to check it out. One major contributor is Susan Button who seems to be very active in this area. You have to join the group–but they let me join, so they must be pretty open HA HA!!
I hope you can find what you’re searching for.

Kylie Jeffs

Hi Courtney,
Just wondering if you have had any success with finding this resource or creating one? We are in a very similar situation at the moment and trying to link numerous programs and assessments together.


Here is a link that I found on the Facebook Daily 5 (SA) page. I’m not sure if you can access these dropbox files without being a member of the Facebook group, but if you can’t, it certainly would be easy enough to get on FB and join!! Amazing amount of resources from and for our Australian friends!!


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