
I recently started using “The Reading Strategies” book which is jam packed with awesome strategies for comprehension, accuracy, fluency and more. I use many of these for mini lessons and conferring. So my big question is - should I have students add these strategies to the cafe board? I think they are great and my students love adding new strategy cards to our bulletin board. My only hesitation is that I wonder if that will take away from the “most important” strategies that the sisters use. And there are literally hundreds of strategies so I am worried that it may be overwhelming to keep posting them all.

Any input would be GREATLY appreciated as no one from my school really does the daily 5/cafe as religiously as I do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you!!






I would say first–look at the strategies from the book carefully, and see if maybe several might fit into one of the CAFE strategies. I think the Sisters would say to use the CAFE board for the strategies on the CAFE menu, and relate other strategies to those.
Another thought is that we don’t want to “overwhelm” students with too many strategies.

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