Is there a CAFE board for writing? How do you display your writing strategies?

Update: Due to the popularity of this post and Suzanne Rea's answer below, we created an updated thread. Please use the updated thread to request a copy of Suzanne's CORE menu. Updated thread: CORE Writing Menu. We will be removing posts below that contain email addresses.

Thank you! —The Daily CAFE Team, November 12, 2019





Pauline Miller

I am sad to see there is no discussion for writing. In the past there was reference to an out of print writing resource- Developing Writer’s Assessment. I have not been able to obtain it ( well I found part of it, but that only led to more questions.) In the old discussion board someone referred to a writing acronym they made up. I can no longer find that post.
I wish there were more discussion about writing.

Patricia Geller

I, too, have many questions as to where writing instruction takes place. I read, I think in the book, that Writing Workshop takes place at another time in the day. I don’t know how I can fit it in. I would love more discussion about writing within the D5 classroom.

Renee Bills



I remember the acronym for Writing. It is CORE: Content, Organization, Revision, Editing.
I teach First Grade and use a pinterest idea for building speed and fluency with writing BEFORE I even tackle any meaningful writing. It involves: Forming Neat Letters, Finger Space, Capitalize/Punctuate a sentence. Spell Word Wall words (hi-frequency words) correctly. After students master this
, I take them through small group writing to teach narrative, opinion, and how-to writing.


I'm not sure if you're referring to the CORE menu my colleague and I created, but I'm happy to share that with you if you wish. We created it for 1st and 2nd grades, based on both our state standards andthe CCS.  Let me know if that's what you're referring to.  


Julie Betz

I am unable to find anything that shows what the CORE menu looks like. I am moving to 5th grade this next year and would love to see how writing is implemented into the CAFE and Daily 5. Thanks for any help with this!


Stephanie Beatty

Hi all!
I have combined my CAFE board to include reading and writing strategies. I find that most of them are useful to us as readers and writers. The heading definitions are changed to reflect that; e.g. Comprehension: I understand what I read and write.
The strategy “Check for understanding” is linked to reread writing to make sure it makes sense - or, in many of my very young writers cases re read to see if you remember what you are writing and that it makes sense. I am always drawing the children’s attention to reading, writing, and speaking strategies that are alike (or the same) so thought - why not?
So far it is working for me in my grade 1 class.


Here is a writing rubric my first grade team worked on and is using that works for us. We used the acronym CORE–you can see the headings. The black text is for 1st and 2nd grades both, and the blue text is for only 2nd grade.

Pasted image698x515 96.5 KB

Kelly Knee

Would you be willing to share this with me? My email is [email protected]
Thanks in advance!


I’ll be glad to send it your way. Let me know what you think–our team is always looking for ways to improve it :).

Jennifer Makerry

Can you please send me a copy of your writing rubric. It makes so much sense to link it to CAFE. Is there one for year 2 and do you have one for students who need to be extended? (Gifted/Talented )

Jennifer Makerry

Sorry my email
is jennifer [email protected]
Thank you


The menu we have created is for first and second grades, based on our state standards and the Common Core standards. The strategies in black are for first and second both, and the ones in blue are the additional standards for second grade. I’ll send you two menus–one shows all the standards and is for teacher use. The other is for use with the students and are the strategies posted on the CORE writing wall in classrooms.
We have not gone beyond the “regular” grade level expectations.
I send them to you in just a bit.

Stacy Sweetalla

Would I be able to get the work yod document as well? My email is [email protected]
Thank you!


Just sent them your way Any comments are appreciated.

Kacie Elizagaray

Would you email me a copy of the CORE menu? I use VOICES as an acronym in my class for teaching 6-trait writing. It is a fun, interactive board just like my CAFE board, but I like the CORE as well. As our teachers prepare to implement more writing next year, we will be using 6-traits to help us teach and assess, but I’m loving the CORE menu! I think my fellow teachers are going to love it too!
[email protected]


I’ll send it now! Let me know what you think of it. It is designed for 1st and 2nd grades.

Terrance Cobb

Could you forward that to me as well? 

Thanks in advance. 

[email protected]

Tracy Butler

I totally agree. I think the strategies for reading are interchangeable with writing and my year 1/2’s understand when I talk about their writing using the language of a strategy linked from the CAFE Menu.

Julie Blue

I would love to know more about the combination Reading/Writing Cafe Board. I think this is a GREAT ideas as readers make writers and writers make readers! Could you say more about how you link specific reading/writing strategies like you did for “Check For Understanding”?


I’ll send the menus to you. We did if for 4 areas of writing–Content and Development, Organization, Revision and Editing and Conventions. We went through our state standards for 1st and 2nd grade. We decided to use the format of the “menu”, as our students are so familiar with it from CAFE.
As I mentioned above, just be sure to note that we adapted our format from the Daily CAFE by the Sisters.

Julie Betz

I would love the menus also. My email is: [email protected]

Thank you so much!

Terrance Cobb

Hi There,

I am stumbling onto this thread.  Would you mind sharing your CAFE board and how you have combined the strategies?

[email protected]

Meghan Clifford

Would you be willing to share this as a word document? I really like this!

Meghan Clifford

Sorry I saw that it can be downloaded, but the left side looks to be cut off.


I’m happy to share. If you will send your email to me, I’ll send it right back to you.

Meghan Clifford

[email protected] is my email. Thank you


Meghan–I just sent it to you. Let me know if it comes through OK or not!

cindy anderson

I would also like a copy. It’s a great tool. My download has the left side cut off as well.
My email address is [email protected]
Thank you!


To those of you I’ve sent the menu to, I’d love to hear some feedback about it and how you might have improved on it or changed it for your needs :).

Julie Betz

My email is: [email protected]

Thank you!


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